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The SEC Recommends These Resources for Investor Education

November 29, 2017 Blog

As an individual investor, it is important to make informed decisions about your investments and who you trust to manage your portfolio. Whether you want to learn more about a particular type of investment product, you need to research a broker’s or advisor’s background, or you want to learn about ways to avoid investment fraud, there is no shortage of information available online.

Of course, some resources are more reliable than others. If you are looking for trustworthy information online, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recommends these sites, among others:

1. Alliance for Investor Education (AIE)

The Alliance for Investor Education (AIE) is an organization that strives to, “facilitat[e] greater understanding of investing, investments and the financial markets among current and prospective investors of all ages.” AIE’s website provides resources for investor education, news about investment risks, and guides to various types of investments.

2. American Association of Individual Investors (AAII)

The American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) is a membership-based organization, but it provides a number of free resources to non-members online. This includes information about market trends, investment risks, portfolio diversification and other investment strategies.

3.  American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has devoted a portion of its website to providing information about saving and investing. Senior investors can find information about how to choose an investment advisor and the risks associated with different investment products.

4. Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)

The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) provides information for employees and former employees about investing through 401(k) and Individual Retirement Account (IRA) savings plans.

5. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

Along with the SEC, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is the primary watchdog for investment fraud scams targeting individual investors. FINRA’s website provides a wealth of practical resources, including Investor Alerts, the BrokerCheck database, and information about FINRA arbitration.

6. Investor Protection Trust (IPT)

The Investor Protection Trust (IPT) is, “a nonprofit organization devoted to investor education.” Its website provides information for both beginners and more-experienced investors who have questions about ways to protect their investment portfolios.

7. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) is responsible for helping to ensure transparency in the securities market. Its website provides information about audits, inspections and enforcement actions targeting publicly-traded companies and resources for investors interested in learning more about the government’s corporate accountability standards.

8. Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)

The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) is an advocacy organization that seeks to promote “effective and resilient capital markets.” Its website provides information about everything from derivatives and other types of investment products to protecting your personal information.

Zamansky LLC | Experienced Representation for Investors Nationwide

Zamansky LLC is a national law firm that represents individual investors who have suffered financial losses due to investment fraud. If you have suffered sudden and unexpected investment losses, we may be able to help you reestablish your portfolio through FINRA arbitration. To speak with an experienced attorney in confidence, please call (646) 663-5628 or request a free consultation online today.

Client Reviews

“Jake Zamasky and his colleagues represented me in a FINRA arbitration case against a large multinational bank and succeeded in obtaining an award for the full amount of my investment losses. I would highly recommend the Zamansky firm for their experience in securities litigation, their level of detailed research and case preparation, and their ability to effectively fight for what’s right.”

Richard R.

“Throughout my entire case, Jake Zamansky was incredibly responsive and spent time walking me through each step of the process. He is professional and worked with my challenging schedule, even meeting with me nights and on weekends. He knew exactly which turn to take when it came to my case and yet was respectful of any decisions I wanted to make resulting in a positive outcome.”

Donald A.

“Jake Zamansky and his firm represented me in a FINRA arbitration case to recover investment losses. Jake and his team were very professional and worked very hard preparing for trial and then reaching a substantial settlement of our case. I would highly recommend them.”

William E.

“Jake Zamansky represented me in a FINRA arbitration case which allowed me to recover a substantial portion of investment losses. He is truly an expert in this space and I would highly recommend him to those investors who may have been been a victim of investment fraud.”

Chris K.

“Jake and his team did a great job communicating with me throughout the process of my lawsuit. I would recommend him to anyone looking to sue UBS for unethical practices.”

Mike A.
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