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Jacob H. Zamansky Discuss UBS Financial Services Inc. of Puerto Rico on WORA-TV

Video Transcript

Mujer: Y cambiando de tema, pérdidas millonarias han sufrido cientos de puertorriqueños al invertir sus ahorros en el bono de Puerto Rico. Por lo menos así lo aseguró una firma de abogados reconocida proveniente del estado de Nueva York, quienes viajaron a la isla para llevar a cabo una orientación a todo inversionista. Además, exhortaron a que hagan valer su derecho, logrando recuperar lo perdido. Priscila Lorenzo Agront nos tiene el siguiente reportaje.

Priscila: En base de recomendaciones inadecuadas, mala representación legal y tergiversaciones en la venta de bonos en Puerto Rico son las principales razones de la pérdida de millones de dólares de inversionistas puertorriqueños quienes confiaron sus ahorros al bono del Estado Libre Asociado. Así lo aseguró la licenciada María Elsie López Adames, junto al licenciado Jacob Zamansky de la firma de abogados Zamansky del estado de Nueva York, quienes han estado prestando sus servicios para orientar y ayudar a los inversionistas.

María: Principalmente se compone esta población de personas retiradas. Por eso es que está malo el escenario, porque son personas que trabajaron por 20, 30, o 40 años, ahorraron toda su vida y entonces lo depositaron ahí en la confianza de que iban a recibir no solamente un ingreso mensual sino de que su dinero estaba garantizado al final del día. O sea que estaba ahí seguro.

Priscila: Y al final, esto no fue así.

María: No es así.

Priscila: Por eso es que ustedes están ayudando a estos inversionistas, orientándolos para que ellos puedan recuperar eso que perdieron.

María: Correcto. Porque muchas de las personas entienden que están en el mercado de valores y que hay algún riesgo, pero no todos saben que tienen derecho a recuperar, aunque hayan estado en el mercado de valores. Ellos tienen derecho porque hay una serie de reglamentos que estos profesionales tienen que seguir en esta industria, que es lo que nosotros reclamamos que ellos han violado, el deber de fiducia. Por ejemplo, en Puerto Rico hay un deber de ellos actuar con ese dinero como si fuera un buen padre de familia, ponerse en los pies del inversionista. Ese standard en Puerto Rico es alto. Es un standard que viene por reglamento bajo la ley uniforme de valores.

Ellos, al recomendar una persona, "Pues, te voy a vender todo concentrado en un solo producto," no están administrando bien ese dinero. No están haciendo una buena recomendación. Porque es cómo el licenciado explicó ahorita. Si hay todo concentrado en el mismo producto, si ese producto cae de valor, pues perdiste todo.

Priscila: Según la investigación que realizará la firma de abogados Zamansky, apunta que tanto UBS como otras firmas vendieron bonos a inversionistas, haciéndoles creer que eran seguros. Sin embargo, el licenciado Zamansky aseguró que la realidad señala a que estos bonos no solamente eran de alto riesgo sino que han destruido el retiro y los ahorros...

ENGLISH TRANSLATION Woman: And changing the subject, hundreds of Puerto Ricans have suffered millions in losses by investing their savings in the Puerto Rico bond. At least this is what a well-known law firm from the state of New York has assured, who traveled to the island to orient every investor. In addition, they urged them to assert their rights, recovering what was lost. Priscila Lorenzo Agront has the following report.

Priscila: On the basis of inadequate recommendations, poor legal representation and misrepresentations in the sale of bonds in Puerto Rico are the main reasons for the loss of millions of dollars of Puerto Rican investors who entrusted their savings to the Commonwealth bond. This was assured by the lawyer María Elsie López Adames, along with lawyer Jacob Zamansky of the Zamansky law firm from the state of New York, who have been providing their services to guide and assist investors.

María: This population is mainly composed of retired people. That is why the scenario is bad, because they are people who worked for 20, 30, or 40 years, saved all their life and then deposited it there with the confidence that they would receive not only a monthly income but that their money was guaranteed at the end of the day. That is, that it was secure.

Priscila: And in the end, this was not so.

María: It's not like that.

Priscila: That is why you are helping these investors, guiding them so they can recover what they lost.

María: Correct. Because many people understand that they are in the stock market and that there is some risk, but not everyone knows they have the right to recover, even if they have been in the stock market. They have rights, because there are a number of regulations that these professionals have to follow in this industry, which is what we claim they have violated, their fiduciary duty. For example, in Puerto Rico, there is a duty for them to handle that money as if they were a good family father, to put themselves in the shoes of the investor. That standard in Puerto Rico is high. It is a standard that comes by regulation under the uniform law of values.

In advising someone, "Well, I'm going to sell everything concentrated on a single product," they are not managing that money well. They are not making a good recommendation. Because it’s how the lawyer just explained. If everything is concentrated in the same product, if that product falls in value, then you lost everything.

Priscila: According to the investigation by the Zamansky law firm, both UBS and other firms sold bonds to investors, making them believe that they were safe. However, Zamansky assured that the reality is that these bonds were not only high risk but have destroyed the retirement and savings...

Client Reviews

“Jake Zamasky and his colleagues represented me in a FINRA arbitration case against a large multinational bank and succeeded in obtaining an award for the full amount of my investment losses. I would highly recommend the Zamansky firm for their experience in securities litigation, their level of detailed research and case preparation, and their ability to effectively fight for what’s right.”

Richard R.

“Throughout my entire case, Jake Zamansky was incredibly responsive and spent time walking me through each step of the process. He is professional and worked with my challenging schedule, even meeting with me nights and on weekends. He knew exactly which turn to take when it came to my case and yet was respectful of any decisions I wanted to make resulting in a positive outcome.”

Donald A.

“Jake Zamansky and his firm represented me in a FINRA arbitration case to recover investment losses. Jake and his team were very professional and worked very hard preparing for trial and then reaching a substantial settlement of our case. I would highly recommend them.”

William E.

“Jake Zamansky represented me in a FINRA arbitration case which allowed me to recover a substantial portion of investment losses. He is truly an expert in this space and I would highly recommend him to those investors who may have been been a victim of investment fraud.”

Chris K.

“Jake and his team did a great job communicating with me throughout the process of my lawsuit. I would recommend him to anyone looking to sue UBS for unethical practices.”

Mike A.
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